5 qualities of men to attract more women

1.Confidence At the point when a man strolls into a room and radiates a demeanor of certainty, he in a flash turns out to be more appealing. Regardless of whether he is the most perfect man in the room, the shortfall of certainty can execute his odds of keeping a lady's consideration. 2.A Sense of Humor Ladies love a man who can snicker and make them chuckle consequently. There isn't anything hotter than a man that can make a lady snicker so hard that she clucks wildly. 3. Being a Gentleman He doesn't need to dress like Gary Cooper, yet he ought to have his habits down to a "T" with regards to pursuing ladies. That implies: opening entryways, releasing the ladies in first, saying "please" and "thank you," and being aware. A bundle of roses or box of chocolates as an astonishment out on the town will win you extra focuses. It isn't so quite a bit of a venture, however it's a decent signal that can mean everything to somebody. 4. K...