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 Imam Ahmad Bin Hambal says: “Reading the merits of the companions of the Prophet of Allah, we have received none which exceeds that of Ali. At times they were presented in such abundance that they aroused thejealousy and hatred of Banu Umayyah. All acknowledge that he enjoyed the special confidence of the Prophet.” Ibne Abil Hadid, the Muttazalite scholar, says: “The world cannot come with an example of a person other than that of Ali who was a first class warrior, a marshall, a philosopher, a moralist and a scholar in theology all at the same time. “A study of his life shows that in its early days of struggle in wars of defence, Islam received help only through him. “For Islam he was the first to go for its defence and the last to come back. Who stood next to him in the battles of Badr, Ohud, Khandak, Khaybar and Hunain? “This was only one side of his character is seen from his sermons,  instructions, letters and sayings. They shed light on the knowledge concerning the onene...