Can someone use Adhaan or any verse of the Qur’aan as the ring tone on cellular phone? The purpose of the ring tone on a phone is to inform you that somebody wishes to speak to you. It is like a person knocking at your door. To use the Adhaan or a verse of theQur’aan for the purpose of this information is inappropriate. It is disrespectful to use there sacred words in this manner. It is for this reason that the Fuqahaa have forbidden the use of the words of zikr for such purposes. Therefore, it is incorrect to download the Adhaan, naaths or verses of the Quraan as a ring tone. Furthermore, sometimes one’s phone suddenly starts ringing whilst one is in the toilet. As a result, verses of the Qur’aan or the Adhaan are recited in the toilet. This is gross disrespect to these sacred words. Hence, one should completely refrain from having such ring tones. Merely set your phone on a normal ring tone.