When the soul was breathed into Adam's body, what did he say first?

What was the first word Adam said? When Adam's soulless body was lying on the ground, God intended to breathe life into it in order to revive it, so He commanded the angels to stand in a row behind each other and Prostrate When the soul wanted to enter Adam's body, it felt disgusting because it belonged to the world of celibacy and it did not want to enslave itself. Therefore, he was told to enter the human body with disgust so that it would be disgusting to leave your body. The spirit entered the body through the nostrils of Adam and at that time Adam sneezed and he said Alhamdulillah Lord of the worlds, and that was the first word that Adam uttered. God said: May God have mercy on you. For the first time since divine praise was uttered on Adam's tongue, God's mercy over Adam and his descendants overtook his wrath.