Why was Angel Ezrael (Angel of Death) among the angels assigned to capture the soul?

When God Almighty intended to create Adam, He sent Angel Gabriel to take a handful of dust from different parts of the earth to create Adam. As soon as Angel Gabriel wanted to pick up dust from the earth, the earth asked him. What is God's purpose in Adam's creation? So Angel Jibreel said: The purpose is that they and their descendants should be entrusted with the obligation of worship and whoever of them obeys should be kept in Paradise forever and whoever disobeys them should be sent to Hell forever and should be punished in the prison made of fire. When the earth heard these words from Angel Gabriel, he swore to him by the right of God and said, "Do not take dust from my being because I do not have the power to get punished by God." ." So Angel Jibreel returned without taking anything from the earth and prayed to God that since the earth made me swear by your honor and greatness, I did not take anything from it. God also commissioned Angel Michael and Angel ...